Tab groups
Tab groups is a way of grouping tabs together into a collection in the browser. The group can be named, given a color and be collapsed or expanded to take up less space. With tabOS you can futher manage and edit your groups and even create groups from within the extension.Create a new group
To create a tab-group, select one or more tabs, right click and choose the option to create a group from the menu. You can also press β(Mac)/Ctrl(PC) + G to create a group from the current selected tabs.Once a group is created, it will be auto-focused and you can give it a name, a emoji and a color. To edit the group again, simply click the title once and the group menu will appear.Ungroup/collapse
Groups can be ungrouped again from the group menu or simply from the right-click menu. You can control whether to show or collapse the group in the browser.Arrange items inside a group
By double-clicking a group in the current window you can see the containing tabs. Rearrange, discard, etc after your liking and to go back, click the breadcrumbs.